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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder comprises two main areas. The first is the performing of certain routines repeatedly (rituals).

OCD, Unwanted Behaviour & Thoughts 

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder comprises two main areas. The first is the performing of certain routines repeatedly (rituals). These can range from the relatively minor, i.e. touching wood or crossing your fingers, to life changing activities that can affect in a negative way one’s complete behaviour for example repeatedly washing or checking.

The other side to OCD is the inability to control certain thoughts. The thoughts normally follow a pattern and the sufferer is unable to control the content or the repeat.

In both cases the OCD can take up hours of every day. While realising that these behaviours are illogical the sufferer is often unable to do anything about them resulting in stress, anxiety and depression.

At Solutions we offer a range of therapies to enable a better understanding and coping mechanism for OCD.

Similar in some ways to OCD are other types of behaviour such as perfectionism and meticulous behaviour, while others feel unable to control their thoughts. Here again we offer assistance through introducing people to the ideas and methods by which they can think deliberately and choose alternative behaviours.


OCD is not just needing everything to match and to be the same. OCD is when your brain takes control and puts irrational thoughts into yoru mind and won't let you forget them.

~ Unknown

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